Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Mother Guilt Part 1

I am a fairly well organised person, well I thought I was until I went to give my daughter who is 2.5 a photo album of her photos. My 5.5 year old son has a collection of albums. I presumed Milly would have the same ... but no. She had an album from her few couple of weeks and that was it. I was horrified!

We have been printing photos for around the home and for the calendar, but not for an album as such. Thomas was born in the SLR stage when we printed every photo taken and I was very diligent obviously. Milly on the other hand is a very different story.

I was aware that I have a box of scrapbooking papers and instruments (note to self - list on ebay) that will never be touched. Mummy guilt for me is that all the other kids at school will have beautiful scrapbooks that have been lovingly assembled by their mums. I think that is why when I saw the Laikonik Once a Year Album I felt an immediate sense of relief! No, it won't have all the cute little stickers, but it will capture each year in words, in picture & is achievable!

This blog is called Mother Guilt Part 1 because it will appear again in another form :)

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